
Tuesday 17 September 2013


By Roderick hunt and Alex B
                                          He did a good job

Jasmine likes music

                                              This is a snapshot of my learning in Music.

 I was learning how to play music on google.I found the work easy to do. It was easy because Mr. L
told what to do. Next I want to learn to play the Flute.

Jasmines in Egypt.

          In class Mrs Grant taught us how to do this and it is cool.


             DUFFY SHOW

This morning after tea time Mr said that theres a daffy show now so we went in the hall . After that we sat on the ground and we saw 3 beautiful people who were acting the duffy show and there names were Duffy , Suffy and afe .Then the show started.we watched the duffy show and it started with suffy trying to find duffy and Duffy trying to find suffy. When they found each other they sat on same  boxes.Then Duffy read a book  and suffy said remember  the book about someone wearing mom's underwear and remember duffy laugh so hard he passed his pants.Then suffy went home and Duffy went to sleep.In Duffys dream  the man was takeing all Duffys  words. After duffys said you can’t steal my words.And then they did a word puzzle and Duffy WON!!!

Jump rope



on Wednesday it was jump rope for  heart. so the whole school walk to GI center and we saw all  the decorations in  GI it look so beautiful .Then we sat on the ground.
Room 1 was the then it was us after that it was room 2 after room 2 was room 10 then it was room 3 after that it was room 12 then it was room 7 and last of all it was room 11. then Mr. said can anybody would like to came and skip with your child and a few people came up and then Mr. said however skip the longer gets a free drunk and he one with the red
t-shirt  won.It was going to we Walk back to school.

At the beach

The beach

One very hot  morning mum and baby went  to the beach.
Mum was very very hot she felt like she was in a boiling
room so she went in the water to cool up. Baby was making
a sandcastle but she needed some shells and a flag to put on
her sandcastle, so she went to look for some sells  and a flag.

When mum went out mum saw babies sandcastle
but mum didn't  see her. Oh no said mum she lost.

Mum went shouting out baby Where are you there were lots of people.
Excuse me excuse me she said she went to look in the water she was  not there she look on the deck she was not there so look on the sand but

she was not there. Mum went back to the place baby was befor and finally  mum found baby pouting sells and a flag on her sandcastle and went home.

Monday 16 September 2013

Reading 16913

Title: The Ringawera By Jacqui Brown

This story is a very good story, It has hard words and big words.Jacqui Brown  wrote this story, he must like writing,Well you are very good and this story is


Frogs are members of the zoological class called Amphibia. This actually includes frogs and toads. When we think of frogs, we generally picture what are called true frogs, who are members of the family, which contains more than 400 species.Frogs are native to most parts of the world, except Antarctica, the driest deserts, and many oceanic islands, but the greatest variety are found in moist, tropical areas. Frogs live in a variety of habitats, but most prefer moist regions. Tree frogs are adapted for tree living. Other frogs are permanently aquatic. still others spend most of their lives in underground burrows, coming up only to feed or breed.The
frogs enemy is sake and birds.