
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Maths , HNF

Please solve the following problems . Show your working so that we can understand your thinking.

GI Zoo Prices
        Adult:              $14  
                                          Child under 12 : #

  1. It cost the Naidoo family of 2 adults and 3 children $61 to go to the zoo. What is the missing price on the board?

2 x 14 = 28
61 - 28 = 33
33 ➗ 3 = $11 per child

  1. For 4 days of the week the zoo has a concession for schools. $10 each for the first 100 children and then $12 each for the others. What would a school pay if there are 127 children?

10 x 100 = 1000
12 x 27 = 324
1000 + 324 = $1324
  1. On a Friday evening  the zoo has a special rate for  school children:for every paid 7 children 2 get to go in free.  What would it cost a school with  147 children?

147 - 9 = 16 r3
16 x 7 = 112
112 x 11 = 1232
1232 + 33 = $1265


Anonymous said...

HNF, Hard and Fast

Anonymous said...

these are really cool questions and are very hard do more like this one

Profesjonalne środki czystości said...

Nice job... cool questions.. :)

yunus said...


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